Innovative website design
Paragon eye-catching and innovative sites, from a single web page, to complex bespoke e-commerce solutions with easy-to-use content management systems. Having a professional looking website provides a great way to attract new business, allowing customers with an easy way to engage and share your business online.
Paragon is also an award winning logo and branding design company. Unlike other web design studios who dabble in logo and branding design we are fully qualified graphic designer's with over 20 award years of experience at the highest level.
" Paragon design took us the next level by developing a digital strategy by sepearting the main four divisons so we could SEO optmize each site effectively. They then upgraded all our branding, sepearting four divisons under the one umbrella logo and developed or online print brochures and marketing campaigns so there was consistency throughout".
Andrew Tracey Managing Director Versatile
"Paragon web design built our website to our exact exact specifications, along side a highly effective SEO campaign to bring in extra enquiries on our insulation products. They also redesigned all out printing materials, leafelts, flyers and brochures"
Kevin Lynch Managing Director Cooper Insulation
"Easy to work with and extremely flexible, Paragon design and built our new websites aswell as doing the excellent photography. They developed a dital strategy for both the Uk and Irish markets and helped us climb the Google rankings to being in extra enquiries on Gluten free products. "
Clive Bagnall Financial Controller, Shackletons Milling.